
I'm Victoria H. Hamre, a Norwegian freelance illustrator and comic book artist. Throughout my career I have worked on a wide range of children’s books, and I have experience illustrating both standalone books and longer series. On the side I also write and illustrate comics, and I am currently working on my second graphic novel.

I primarily draw digitally, but I also have an education within traditional painting, and I recently started documenting my physical sketchbook with weekly tours on social media. I love illustrating unique characters, as well as beautiful food, interesting scenery, and strange creatures. I always try to feature a lot of diversity in my work, both in terms of characters and family structures, as I think it is important for kids to see their life reflected in the media they consume. Another topic I am very passionate about is climate change and positive climate action, and I have therefore worked on several books focusing on this topic.

If you would like to work with me I would love to hear from you, so pop by the 'contact' section and send me an email!

  • ​University of Oslo - 2019-2021 - Master in Art History and Curating (Kuratering, kritikk og modernismens kulturarv) Included an internship at the National Museum of Norway (Nasjonalmuseet), fall 2020.

    University of Oslo - 2017-2018 - Bachelor in Philosophy

    University of Oslo - 2014-2017 - Bachelor in Art history

    Einar Granum School of Fine Art - 2012-2014 - Vocational education in painting

  • Kokosbananas og juletyven, published by Cappelen Damm, 2024, illustrator.

    Brillebjørn og fantasimaskinen: i maurtua, Published by Gyldendal, 2024, illustrator.

    Brillebjørn og fantasimaskinen: hos dinosaurene, Published by Gyldendal, 2024, illustrator.

    Les med Kokosbananas: Den Magiske Fotballen - Cappelen Damm, 2024, illustrator.

    Les med Kokosbananas: Dinosaurjakten - Cappelen Damm, 2024, illustrator.

    Den Store Boka Om Kokosbananas - Cappelen Damm, 2023, illustrator.

    Tryllestjerne og fruktorkesteret: Et eventyr om matglede og matvett - Matvett.no and Grønt Flagg FEE Norway, illustrator, 2023. 

    Kokosbananas og stinkomaten- Cappelen Damm, 2023, illustrator.

    Kokosbananas og brøleboksen- Cappelen Damm, 2023, illustrator.

    Helt Super - Vigmostad & Bjørke, in collaboration with Qvisten Animation. 2022, Illustrator.

    Familien Vamp: Mysteriet med den uhyggelige vampyrjegeren - Papermoon Publishing, 2022, illustrator.

    Kokosbananas og tøysemaskinen- Cappelen Damm, 2022, illustrator.

    Brum and Sun - Think Equal, 2022. Illustrator.

    Familien Vamp: Mysteriet med det langhalsede vampyrofferet - Papermoon Publishing, 2022, illustrator. 

    Kokosbananas og prumpebrusen - Cappelen Damm, 2022, illustrator.

    Lenge leve Teo! Et eventyr om gjenbruk. - Grønt Flagg FEE Norway. Illustrator. 2022

    Ville Vitser: Ikke lov å le! - Fontini Forlag, 2022. Illustrator. 

    Monstrous Transplants: Curating Feminine-Vegetal Relationships. From 7 Blikk: Kuratering og Bevaring, Paragone, 2021. Author & illustrator, academic article. 

    Ut på Eventyr: 13+1 eventyr som er snudd og vridd litt på - Papermoon publishing, collaboration with Plan Norge, 2021. Illustrator.

    Kokosbananas og godteristøvsugeren - Cappelen Damm, 2021. Illustrator.

    Kokosbananas og forte-seg-roboten - Cappelen Damm, 2021. Illustrator.

    Miso - Überpress, 2020. Illustrator & author.

    Den Raude armé - From ÜberRevolusjon, Überpress, 2018. Illustrator & author.

    Trygg Forvaring - From ÜberTerror, Überpress, 2018. Illustrator & author.

  • Magazines, websites, organizations and businesses

    Amnesty Norge
    PechaKucha Trondheim
    Eiksmarka hund & katt

  • 'Miso' featured in the exhibition 'Tegneserienes historie' (The History of Comics), - The old National Gallery, 2023. 

    'Ut På Eventyr' featured in the exhibition 'Østenfor sol og vestenfor måne' (East of the Sun and West of the Moon) - Nasjonalmuseet/The National Museum of Art, 2022.

    Georg Morgenstjernes award for exceptional work at the Master program for Art history and Visual studies, University of Oslo, 2021.

    Group exhibition - Stavern, Krutthuset, Summer 2018.

    Group Exhibition - Stavern, Krutthuset, Summer 2016